Paper Plate Seagull Craft – Preschool Summer Bird Craft

Published Categorized as DIY & Crafts

Seagull or gulls are a species of bird who has always been a point of attraction. Their bright yellow toes, vivid beak and sharp eyes makes them a sort of bird that we look at with great majesty. These sea birds are something that even kids love to see.

So, why not make them at home? Yes! Let’s start making a seagull right at home. I am sure we’ll love it. We’ll make a paper plate seagull.

Supplies needed for paper Plate Seagull Craft

  • Paper Plate
  • Yellow construction paper
  • Googly eyes
  • Scissors
  • Glue

How to Make Paper Plate Seagull?

Step 1: Use a pencil to draw a seagull head and neck on one half of your paper plate.

Step 2: Use a scissor to cut out the head and neck of seagull.

Step 3: Leave the head and neck part as it is. Fold the cut-out part from both sides. They’ll be the wings of seagull. Fold it towards yourself.

Step 4: Stick two googly eyes in place of seagull’s eyes.

Step 5: Cut out two seagull toes and one triangle for seagull’s nose from a yellow construction paper.

Step 6: Stick the nose below the eyes and the toes right at the other end of the paper plate.

Paper Plate Seagull Craft

And, that’s how you make a paper plate seagull. Easy, right?