Organic Fertilizers And Its Various Advantages And Benefits

Published Categorized as Farming

Nowadays, in the market you will find a variety of chemical fertilizers, insecticides and pesticides. They also claim to increase the farm production manifold. This fact is indeed true. However, now question arises that if the synthetic fertilizers are so good then why are the farmers at all shifting to the usage of organic fertilizers. Well, a simple yet a prime distinction will help us to understand the main advantage of using organic fertilizers rather than using the artificial fertilizers.

The organic fertilizers help to indeed produce less crops but supports ‘best’ quality crops only. All the more, they also help in keeping the soil very healthy and nutritive. However, the synthetic fertilizers are good only for a short time. Initially, they help to support high production of food but in the long run, they start to degrade the soil and also the quality of the food. Well, here in, we have pointed out an entire list of the advantages of using the organic fertilizers.

Organic Fertilizers

4 Main advantages of using organic fertilizers to raise crops

1) The soil structure is not hindered

The organic fertilizers help to maintain the soil structure. Since, they are made up of biodegradable Ingredients like the plant and the animal waste, so they help to provide nutrition to the soil. Owing to the natural elements in the fertilizers, the soil is made more water retentive and also helps to increase the fertility of the soil.

The humus present in the organic fertilizers combines with the soil, to make the soil more resistant to erosion and leaching. Hence, the soil structure remains firm without falling prey to any sorts of degradation and decay.

2) Provide help in minimising the expenses shelved for buying pesticides and insecticides

Organic fertilizers though at the beginning might seem costly but it is very self sufficient. Now, let us understand the sufficiency of the organic fertilizers. These fertilizers cut down the need to purchase many more chemical fertilizers and it also does not need any additional source of nitrogen or potash to increase the fertility of the soil.

All the more, these organic fertilizers themselves contain a wide range of ingredients hence, once brought can be used for a long time. These do not get degraded easily and nor do they hinder the environmental concerns. Hence, they can be constantly used and thus reduces the cost to buy multiple varieties of pesticides in multiple sessions of farming.

3) The organic fertilizers help to provide space for microbes to flourish

Yes, you got it right. The organic fertilizers consisting of natural parts, help the beneficial microbes to grow. These microbes in turn replenish the soil. They increase the strength of the roots of the plants, elevate the nitrogen level and also helps to escalate the levels of potash. However, on the other hand, the synthetic or the artificial fertilizers do not constitute of any natural elements.

They do not contain parts made of Carbon which is why they do not attract the growth of microbes. The organic fertilizers contain rich amounts of Carbon there by, becomes a great place for the microbes to thrive. All the more, with the growth of microbes, these in turn help the soil nutrients to be available to the plants.

4) The organic fertilizers are very environment friendly

The organic fertilizers do not cause damage to the nearby water bodies or the nearby fields, when they get washed off by rain or via heavy irrigation. The reason being, they contain natural and biodegradable units which get dissolved in the soils. However, when the synthetic fertilizers get washed off, they cause huge damage to the nearby fields and water bodies. All the more, the species diversity gets increased by the organic fertilizers by at least 30% as compared to the synthetic ones.


With the growth and the need of quality food to fight varied diseases and germs, the farmers have lately involved in using organic fertilizers. These organic fertilizers have helped to raise world class crops.  All the more, nowadays, these organic fertilizers are being used to grow various cash crops like cotton, tobacco and sugarcane which is bringing home larger profits and prosperity.

Having, brought up the various advantages of organic fertilizers, one ought to remember its disadvantages as well. They are not very easy to prepare. The organic fertilizers need to undergo a long and a complicated process of decomposition before producing the required form of fertilizers. At times, the nutrient content of these fertilizers are low. These are also very slow and the crop production is not a large scale one. However, with all the baggage of tiny disadvantages, one can definitely focus on the wide array of advantages that come handy with the organic fertilizers.